

March 25th, 2020

Dear Customers, As you may already know, we are now being directly impacted by the emergency measures to combat the Cobid-19 virus. Indeed, as of Tuesday, March 24 at midnight, according to a Government decree, all non-essential service companies must cease their operations. This means that as building inspectors, we must act accordingly and cease our inspections
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InfraQuebec 2019 in Mont-Tremblant

October 2nd, 2019

Infrared Imaging Conference InfraQuebec 2019 Infrared cameras are opening a new world of opportunities to thermographers, offering innovative ways to solve technical challenges easier. Interact, learn, and network with people who have already successfully applied infrared imaging and analysis techniques into their applications.

Pre-Listings Inspection

February 20th, 2019

Pre-Inspected Listings, The Future of Real Estate Home inspections have traditionally been for the benefit of the purchaser. Pre-inspected listings benefit all parties – purchasers, vendors and Realtors. Deals Won’t Fall Through Home inspections, performed as a condition of the offer, can kill deals. Sometimes this is because the purchaser gets cold feet; sometimes there’s
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“This house isn’t going anywhere.” Or is it!

September 1st, 2017

This house isn’t going anywhere.” Or is it! Serious structural problems in houses are not very common, but when they occur they are never cheap to fix. Some can’t be fixed at all. This report won’t turn you into a home inspector, but it will give you some of the common indicators. Uneven Floors Uneven
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Priority Maintenance for Home Buyers

August 20th, 2017

Priority Maintenance for Home Buyers There are so many home maintenance and repair items that are important; it can be confusing trying to establish which are the most critical. To simplify things, we have compiled a short list of our favourites. These are by no means all-inclusive, nor do they replace any of the information
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December 27th, 2016

Condensation We encourage clients and real estate agents to call us with technical questions. We get lots of them – and the flavor of the month is condensation. We don’t want to bore you with technical terms like vapor pressure differential. Let’s keep this simple. There are two rules at work here: 1. When warm
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A Fall Furnace Primer – Part 2 of 2 – Humidifiers

October 1st, 2016

Humidifiers The outside winter air is cold and dry. The inside winter air is dry. Our chapped lips, dry skin and static zaps from doorknobs remind us of that all season long. Homes like the dry environment, but dry air makes people uncomfortable. While an ideal humidity for homes can be as low as 5%,
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