Electrical System

Electrical system inspection in MontrealInspection of the electrical system of the house is of great importance. Any electrical issues that will be uncovered during the inspection should be considered as items of high priority.

During the home inspection YG Home Inspection Services will observe the electrical service entrance, the grounding equipment as well as the condition, protective devices, posted capacity, and location of the main electrical panel. Our home inspector will determine the distribution wiring material type (aluminum or copper) of the house, which might be necessary for insurance purposes. We will also verify the condition and functionality of a representative number of installed lighting fixtures, switches and electrical outlets, located inside and outside of the building. Our home inspector will then check the polarity and grounding of the outlets inspected and will also verify the presence and operation of ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI).

All of the observations made will be described in detail in the inspection report. If any defects are found, their severity and implications will be provided and further recommendations regarding the timeframe needed for their repair will also be included.

An electronic version of inspection report will be provided to the client within 48 hours.
